» Ph.D.

IP Issues in Patenting Computer-Based Games

“IP Issues in Patenting Computer-Based Games,” By Malgorzata (“Gosia”) Kulczycka; 45th Global IP ConfEx, San Francisco, CA, Fall 2019

Patent Eligibility of Inventions Directed to Graphical User Interfaces

Patent Eligibility of Inventions Directed to Graphical User Interfaces,” By Malgorzata (“Gosia”) Kulczycka; AIPLA Spring Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Spring 2019

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: What are the prospects?

“Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: What are the prospects?” International Intellectual Property Law Association (IIPLA) 3rd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2018

Artificial Intelligence and the Patent Law – Promises and Perils

“Artificial Intelligence and the Patent Law – Promises and Perils,” The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, 2018

Federal Circuit Finds 'Improving Conventional Techniques and Generated New and Useful Data’ Satisfies Patent Eligibility Tests

Patent Eligibility

“Patent Eligibility,” By Malgorzata (“Gosia”) Kulczycka; Global IP ConfEx, San Francisco, CA, Fall 2018

Patent Eligibility of Inventions Directed to Graphical User Interfaces

Patent Eligibility of Inventions Directed to Graphical User Interfaces,” By Malgorzata (“Gosia”) Kulczycka; Global IP ConfEx, San Francisco, CA, Spring 2018

Patenting Process

"Patenting Process," by Malgorzata (“Gosia”) Kulczycka; 2nd Annual Digital Media and Technology IP Forum, San Jose, CA, 2017

Supreme Court holds computerization of abstract ideas not patent-eligible

"Supreme Court holds computerization of abstract ideas not patent-eligible,” Lexology, 2014

Akamai Technologies v. Limelight Networks and McKesson Technologies v. Epic Systems: Federal Circuit Changes the Law of Active Inducement

Co-author with R. Fischer, “Akamai Technologies v. Limelight Networks and McKesson Technologies v. Epic Systems: Federal Circuit Changes the Law of Active Inducement,” Lexology, 2012